EP 3: Procrastination Disruption

“Tomorrow always had this special allure. I didn’t trust myself today, but I just thought maybe tomorrow would be the day I could show up as the best version of myself and get this thing done perfectly.”
In this episode of Get Organized For Good, Corinne confesses to a past of pure procrastination. As a college student, she put everything— from decluttering her room to waiting until a week before the deadline to writing her 100-page honors thesis– off until the last minute. This wasn’t due to laziness, or even just a matter of having a packed partying schedule. Like many people, her procrastination was driven by perfectionism. She handed her tasks off to an idealized future self who could do them perfectly, until finally, with a deadline looming, she scrambled to get them all done.
And her results? They were great, like a lot of peoples’ who work under the pressure of the last minute. So, why do it any differently? Well, because there is a much better way! Corinne will show you how to hack that deadline pressure and use it to get to your tasks in a timely manner. She shares the methods and systems she uses to hold herself accountable and gain momentum as well as the mentality she has adopted to let go of that perfectionism. And when that temptation to procrastinate becomes too strong, she has an ace in the hole!
Looking back, all the fun Corinne had in college could have been a lot more fun if she didn’t have all of those tasks hanging over her head and if she had more time to celebrate her wins. She wants you to start celebrating, too. Join the party–Corinne even provides a productivity playlist!
- “Tomorrow always had this special allure. I felt like somehow tomorrow it would be easier to get (insert task here) done. Tomorrow I could do it more perfectly. I didn’t trust myself today, but I just thought maybe tomorrow would be the day I could show up as the best version of myself and get this thing done perfectly.” (1:35 | Corinne Morahan)
- “We think because our output of doing things at the last minute is good that that’s the only way we can produce good work.” (4:18 | Corinne Morahan)
- “I now lean hard into my mantra ‘do it anyway’ that I shared in Episode One. I don’t wait until I know I can do it perfectly, or when I’m in the mood. Because I might never be in the mood, and what is ‘perfect anyway?’ I just do it.” (5:34 | Corinne Morahan)
- “The other huge piece of this is to say, ‘Done is better than perfect.” (7:33 | Corinne Morahan)
- “I realized though, that all that fun time could have been way more fun if I had actually gotten the work done first and didn’t have it hanging it over my head. And that’s the way I live now. I get the things done and with my free time—and I do have plenty of it now—I actually get to enjoy it because I’m not trying to fill it up with trivial tasks and I don’t have things hanging over my head.” (9:12 | Corinne Morahan)
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