EP 39: My Nighttime Routine

“The recipe for having a great day actually starts the night before,” says host Corinne Morahan on this episode of Get Organized for Good where she discusses her nighttime routine and how she sets herself up for a full, restorative and delicious night’s sleep. Like so many of us, Corinne was once an overwhelmed and exhausted mother of young kids who was trying to balance an increasing set of demands between home and work. One small change of habit started her on her way to gaining back control of her evenings, enjoying her time and replenishing her energy. Today, she’ll explain how to identify the small change you can make in your own life to help you do the same.
Corinne's routine is another example of the balance she has learned to strike between what she calls immersive productivity and immersive relaxation. She explains how she determines her wakeup time, her task management software of choice, and the general routine she uses to set both herself and her kids up for a calm morning and an organized day ahead. She also shares her self-care routine from skincare to her reading preferences and what she puts in her bath.
Are you ready to take your evenings back? Join today's discussion to learn about how you can enjoy your evenings again.
- “I used to be a stressed-out wreck at the end of the night. This was for a lot of reasons: this was before I got my house organized, I was working outside of the house and my kids were smaller. Nighttime routines with little kids is just not that fun. So, I was exhausted from working all day, I was coming home to a cluttered house, I would do all my wife duties, my mom duties, and then I would be too tired to get ready for bed.” (3:34 | Corinne Morahan)
- “What I found was the act of washing away the day—washing my face off, putting on my creams, changing—calmed me down so that I was a better and more relaxed mom. I could get in bed at a decent hour. So, I’d wake up rested and have renewed energy.” (6:36 | Corinne Morahan)
- “I try—try—not be on my phone right before bed. I have a charging station across the bedroom. I really try to not be on it before bed. I am not perfect at this by any stretch, there is some room for improvement, but I definitely get a better night’s sleep when my phone is not next to my head and when I am not on it right before I go to sleep.” (11:46 | Corinne Morahan)
- “The getting stuff done piece is, believe it or not, for me, the simple piece of that. That I do on autopilot. That is absolutely easy. The unwinding relaxation piece, which if you’ve listened to any number of these episodes you know that I have a harder time relaxing. That piece can be harder.” (12:54 | Corinne Morahan)
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