How to Start an Organizing Business: 3 Tips to Get You Started Now

If you’re wondering how to start an organizing business, then let me tell you, friend — I feel like I already know you.
You don’t want to waste one more second wondering what to do next. You don’t want to see your life pass you by. You’re the kind of person who wants to make a difference in your community, and do it NOW.
I feel like I know you, because I was you.
Way back in 2010, I took an intro course to become a professional organizer... but then took no action! It was another eight years before I decided I couldn't sit back any longer as my dream of owning an organizing business passed me by. I knew I had to start making a difference in my community. Now.
In 2018, I started Grid + Glam with just $1,500 in start-up capital. I had no team, no five-year plan, and definitely no back-up plan. I just went for it.
And guess what? It’s been a dream come true! I’m so proud of the success I’ve had so far. With my organizing business, I have helped thousands of women declutter their homes, and over two years I’ve created a multi-six figure business.
You can have that kind of success too, friend. Starting an organizing business doesn't have to be scary or overwhelming. In fact, it can be exciting — as long as you take the right steps to create a strong foundation for your business.
You don’t have to do everything all at once, but you DO have to get started. And I can show you how, with my top three tips on how to start an organizing business.
3 Things to Do Now If You’re Wondering How to Start an Organizing Business
Tip 1: Adopt the Right Mindset
I see it all the time: amazing, capable, passionate women who dream about starting their professional organizing business, but keep telling themselves that they’re just not quite ready to start, or that this isn’t the perfect time.
Listen, friend. The timing will never be perfect. And if you wait for it to feel that way, you will never start. Trust your gut and your instincts, listen to your inner voice that guides you, and take that first step.
Here’s one thing you can do today (seriously, right now!) that requires very little work: shift into a CEO mindset.
To truly set yourself up for success from the get-go, it’s important to approach this venture as a business you’re creating and not simply your side hustle or hobby. You are the CEO of your organizing business, and seeing yourself in this way shows YOU (and everyone around you) that this business is something to be taken seriously.
Trust me when I say that adopting a CEO mindset is key to keeping your focus when you inevitably get objections from those around you about why this won’t work. The stronger your mindset, the more confidently you’ll be able to ignore those external voices, so that nothing can stand in your way.
If you’re looking for some extra tips, here’s a great resource on how to build a business CEO mindset.
Tip 2: Pick a Business Name
Once you’ve adopted that CEO mindset, the next thing to do is to name your business. Don't overthink this, and remember that you can always change your business name once you’ve fully fleshed out your business concept.
If it’s something that can (and probably will) change, why do I recommend picking a business name as one of the first things to do? Because I’ve found it much easier to nail down other, more specific aspects of your business once it has a name.
When choosing a name for your organizing business, I want you to think about how you want people to see you and your business. Think about the services you will offer. Do you plan to grow a team? Do you intend to be the face of the company?
In the end, you want to choose a name that really resonates with you. You may want something simple and catchy, or you may simply want to use your name. Spend some quiet time thinking about the kind of business you want, and find a name that matches that.
My hero, Sara Blakely, named her product Spanx because she liked the strong “k” sound in Kodak and Coca-Cola. She had also learned that spelling something in a unique way improved sales and your chances for a patent — strategic and catchy! While I didn’t take that approach, researching how others came up with their business names inspired me when I was creating my own.
Tip 3: Know Your Stuff
If you’re wondering how to start an organizing business, you’re likely already an amazing organizer. If you’re anything like me, you see a new, clutter-filled space and you just immediately know where everything should go.
But at the same time, there’s probably a lot you don’t know. Now, you don’t have to know every single thing there is to know about organizing before you start your organizing business. But, you do need to know enough to warrant being paid for your expertise.
There are a lot of resources you can turn to for learning. I recommend following other organizers, studying organizing philosophy, and putting your own process and philosophy down on paper.
Just Start — And Then Keep Going
I know just how stressful it can be when you’re trying to figure out how to start an organizing business from scratch. Before I started my business, I felt like I watched a million YouTube videos and learned every trick in the book!
To be totally honest, there were a few times when I almost gave up. But I’m SO glad I didn’t. I’ve certainly made mistakes, but I’ve learned from each of them, and they’ve all helped me turn Grid + Glam into what it is today.
If you’re feeling those same feelings of overwhelm and uncertainty about what to do next, I’d love to help. I created my Organizers Foundations Course to help talented women just like you build and grow a successful professional organizing business — the right way.
This program takes you from having a simple business idea and dream, to turning it into a full-fledged, thriving business — one that’ll make you proud to be a CEO.
I know there’s so much information out there about starting a business, and that it can often be more overwhelming than helpful. That’s why I designed my Organizers Foundations Course to cut out the fluff and tell you exactly what you need to know about starting an organizing business. I get straight to the essentials, so you know you’re not missing anything and never have to look anywhere else for the info you need.
The topics in the course range from choosing your mission statement and registering your business, to finding a domain name and leveraging social media. If you have a professional organizing business idea but aren’t sure how to bring it to life, this course was designed for you!
Ready to find out more? Here’s all the info you need about The G+G Organizers Foundations Course!
Ready to confidently take the next step in your organizing business?
If you’re a professional organizer and want to improve your consultations, download my FREE training How to Run a Memorable Organizing Consultation! Consultations let you share who you are and how you can transform your client's lives! This video training teaches the exact steps to easily run an effective organizing consultation. What are you waiting for?